Topicexplorer Desktop

Topicexplorer is a Link Builder and File Manager able to store web and file links. It also includes

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Topicexplorer is a Link Builder and File Manager able to store web and file links. It also includes free web link content (home, education, travel and entertainment editions)
Topicexplorer offers a unique heirarchy system of editions, topics, sub-topics, categories and links allowing users the ability to create both simple and complex taxonomies.

Topicexplorer is perfect for both personal and business users. Users can create their own personal editions around their lifestyle interests and business editions around their daily work routines using it as a powerful reference tool. Topicexplorer is also ideal for both school and university students and teachers as a dynamic research resource.

This program received 1 award
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Topicexplorer Pty Ltd.
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